Acts 20:24

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Acts 20:24 – However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

What is my purpose in life? This is the single most asked question in life today. What was I created for? It seems to suggest at one point or another in our lives we all have this very longing to understand exactly what we’re supposed to be doing here. Now some would have us to believe that it is to follow in our parents footsteps. Others would say that you need to climb the corporate ladder. Still there are others who might suggest blaze your own path. We understand completely that if a man doesn’t work, he doesn’t eat but why aren’t we ever satisfied when chasing, achieving, and conquering these very goals that we set up for ourselves? Maybe what we hunger for most is something that can’t be filled by anything that is humanly achieved. We work so hard to build whatever it is in our lives and at the end of the day, it’s never enough; it’s never satisfactory, it never has us content – so why are we wasting so much time trying to invest in things that aren’t worth it nor will they give us true purpose that can be fulfilled and quenched?

The writer of today’s passage lets us in on his revelation about what his life is in Christ. Simply put, nothing in his life – no career, no achievement, no good deed, nothing that he could concoct in his own mind to do was worth anything ….but he did find something that was worth his energy, his efforts and dedication; he found his purpose! The one thing that he could set his focus on that would give him the most joy, the most satisfaction, and the most honor; pleasing God by completing the task He gave him.

We have tasks to do every day that have no reward or significance. They take from our lives, they cause stress upon us and they deplete us of actual life substance. In the end, we have wasted away and done nothing that will count in the life to come. We are spiritually bankrupt! We’ve spend all that we had here on Earth, on what we thought was of worth or necessary and got no return on our investment except maybe enjoying some things for 80 or 90 years or killing ourselves trying to get them.  What is your life worth in living it the way you think and never being satisfied? Always questioning, “What is my purpose?”

As a Christian, you have been called to a much grander purpose; the purpose of serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. How wonderful is that?! Which do you really think is a better calling; to complete life unfulfilled and unsatisfied or to complete life knowing that the work the King gave you to do, was done? Did you know that in the old days (and even today) it was and is a privilege to work in the King’s court (place of royalty – i.e. today would be in our White House or Buckingham Palace) and to carry out the King’s orders. It came with a sense of humility, honor and respect but it always resulting in the King being glorified! How much more should we feel and be privileged A) to be in God’s Kingdom, B) to be able to serve in God’s Kingdom, C) and to get a task that we can carry out for the King which would please him? It made servants happy to please their King; do you think you’d be any less satisfied with your purpose of serving our Father God and Lord Jesus Christ? I think not!!!


Today we’re at a priority check! What is worth more to you in your life? It is taking up the task of being a well-educated person, having the most storied career, or being the richest person on the planet or is it simply being able to make God happy by completing the task that he gave to you and & I? The choice is yours. We pray today that your purpose is found in Christ and you too aim only to complete this life filled with the knowledge of knowing you’ve pleased the King. That is true purpose, what’s yours? In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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