Acts 1:8

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: Acts 1:8 – But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

We are energized in our day to day lives to do a lot of things. We are energized to get up and go to work. We are energized to connect with friends at various outings. We’re energized to take trips and experience new things. We’re even energized to do whatever it is we want without regard. It is funny how when we have the energy to do what WE like or want to do, there is always time for it. A good friend of mine would consistently make the statement, “people make time for what they want to do.” I’ll take it one step further today, “people have the energy to do what is only important to them.”

We see this ring true so many times in our personal experiences. Think of a time you asked a friend to go out to a particular event. You were excited about what the night had to offer but your friend wasn’t in the same mind-frame. Eventually, they tell you that they won’t be able to make it. You feel bummed but you go and have great time. What just happened? One, your friend already had plans and didn’t want to tell you or they just didn’t really want to go. For the sake of this example, let’s go with the latter of the two. You were energized to go and have great time with your favorite band or whatnot but that had no interest to your friend. I’m sure many of you have been this friend at one time or another.

When we’re given over to that which is within us, we are compelled not only to invite others but to also go through with what is energizing us. We want and have an urging feeling within us to do a specific thing. As we look at today’s scripture, it would suggest as we are energized by the Holy Spirit, there is a power that will energize us. It will make us want to be God’s ambassadors. We won’t only be fueled by the Holy Spirit, but it will make us want to tell others. You will want what the Holy Spirit desires; souls for Christ. You will be energized to do what is important to the Holy Spirit and not what you have deemed as important. This is a powerful attribute because it energizes everything you do in your life but it makes it important enough to get done by YOU. You have no problem sharing Jesus with others, no matter if they want to come to him or not, you’re still excited and energized to keep on moving forward; with that which in you – energizing you!

Today the question gets really practical for us to evaluate in our lives. What is inside of us that is energizing the things that we do? Are we energized by money, fame, prestige, honor, or pride? Well if so, these are going to be the things that move you along, what you will be chasing after and trying to get others to partake in. However, if you’re energized by the Holy Spirit, you will be empowered to reach out to God’s people and make sure they are focused on God and our Lord Jesus Christ. If the Holy Spirit is in you, you will impact the earth. Even if you never travel around it, God can use you to impact the world right from where you are. The question now becomes will you allow the Holy Spirit to energize you?


We pray that today you are more energized to doing God’s work than other things that lose their appeal. Let the power of the Holy Spirit move you – today! In Jesus name, AMEN!

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