2 Corinthians 3:17

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: 2 Corinthians 3:17 – Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Do you ever wake up on the right side of the bed and think “today is going to be a great day!” The optimism that permeates from you is infectious. Maybe you got a good night’s rest. Maybe you were expecting some good news. Maybe you just felt great about life. These are all great things and we should strive to have this type of attitude more often than not. The problem that gets us all is that this feeling of jubilance isn’t a lasting effect. It is a temporary high that soon leaves. We go back to our downcast and upset ways and then it’s back to our old characteristics. The short burst of joy that once filled your eyes for all to see and question has become the dullness of our mundane existence.

What is it that’s happened? Why such a big swing of the pendulum and why is it stuck on the wrong side for so long? One of the issues that we have to evaluate in our lives is what our true source of joy and contentment are rooted in. As we just discussed, we can get a quick or slow release high from many things or even something that we can’t explain. This is a dangerous place because if you don’t know what is energizing you, it could be a false hope altogether. We have to guard our hearts and minds to make sure that every thought is made captive to the gospel of Christ.

The scripture points to the freedom we’ll experience when the Spirit of the Lord is with us. The beauty of this is that our freedom is not contingent upon some feeling but on truth and promises from God’s word. These reflect powerful attributes that allow us to perceive the world in a different light; the light of Jesus.

We have a different pep in our step with we know that we are walking with Christ and in his will. We gain a confidence that is beyond reproach as we trust in him and not ourselves. We are free from the burden of sin, mistake and condemnation because of our belief in the blood of Christ and his ultimate sacrifice you displayed on the cross. It is evident in your life on a daily basis. Even when the world has taken its best shot at you, your strength and faith in Christ is the freeing mechanism that separates you from normal reaction (being down and having others consoling you in your hurts) and propels you into a state of gratitude, expectancy, and hope of God bringing you through your problem; for there is no problem to big that God can’t handle it. How free does that feel? To be released of those burdens and stand in assurance of Christ is true FREEDOM!!


Today, we want us to all evaluate our hearts and see if we are operating from a place of freedom given by the Lord or in our own fleeting freedom that is actually a trick of the enemy to keep you in the same place you’ve been. Only the enemy wants to keep you bound and feeling lost, regretful and isolated in this world. Allow the Spirit of the Lord to release you of the chains of bondage, guilt, strive, stress and the like. It is time for you to experience freedom only as God can give it. Be free today! In Jesus name, AMEN!

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