1 Timothy 6:12

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: 1 Timothy 6:12 – Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

The call to Christianity isn’t a light calling but it is a very rewarding calling. When we first find out who we really are and what life is really about, the challenge to change & reformat our minds is exciting. We have a new purpose in life; a goal that is supernatural and easily the most important undertaking that we could ever embarked upon.

The faith and desire to please God is evident to all. We share our faith boldly and without regard. We understand that we have been extended grace and mercy beyond our knowledge. For most of us, we have made a complete 180° transformation that others are curious about. The fire and passion for God is strong. Our faith increases exponentially and we have that hope of eternal life with God for our future.

So what happens to that fire and zeal? What becomes of the person who is a believer but no longer is as passionate about God, his word and being about his business?

Letting the reality of life impact us is a transition that we all have to overcome. The thought is that when we become believers all of our problems will cease. We are impervious to the let downs of life and become sin-free beings that are better than everyone else. I submit to you today that this is not the case AT ALL!! We are all still human! We are all still sinners! The issue is how will you navigate this life with the reality of yourself presented before you while trying to live out your godly duties and principles?

One of the easiest ways to rekindle that fire on a daily basis is by revisiting your first love! As we mature in the faith we should recall who we were without Christ, where he has brought us from and who he is creating us to be in our obedience to his teachings. Bringing back into focus that initial zeal for God’s word and vision for your life will aid you in not only keeping your faith renewed but also keeping the light of Jesus well lit in your life for others to see.

Today we pray that the simple application of remembering when you first fell in love with Christ is put on your heart. That it increases your faith and stirs up in you the passion you once knew. If you’ve been struggling with your faith and lack of motivation to action, we pray today you make the effort and intention to get back to the basic premise that inspired you to give Christ a chance in the first place; fighting the better fight in this life for the power of good not only in yourself, but in others as well. Be inspired today to put all of your faith, trust and hope back in God that he may empower you until his return making your faith as strong as it was when you first encountered him. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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