1 Peter 1:15-16

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: 1 Peter 1:15-16 – But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”

As we close this week’s theme of praising God, we hit the crescendo in our part of reason to give God praise. This may seem simple but the grasp of it for the believer should impact our lives daily.

The evidence of evolution is of ultimate significance in our lives. It is the power of the absolute Word of God working in our lives and making us better than we were. Question for you: How do you know if someone is healthy, growing taller, or aging? There is evidence. You see them from the infant stage, to the walking stage, to the talking stage and so on and so forth. You see the changes that are taking place in their life and innately you are grateful, happy, and thankful to God for the continual progress you’re seeing. Well the same can be said of us as we get the call to be a part of Christ’s family. God doesn’t call us to be the same old person that we have been or that everyone knows us to have been, NO! He calls us to be like his son Jesus. In this adoption process, we were taken out of the family of the enemy (where we were used to doing things as our father Satan would have us to do) and brought into the family of believers (where God is instilling all of his principles in us to do as his Son does). Jesus, as the perfect example, shows us (and speaks to us in the word of God) how to live in a manner which pleases our Father God. The transformation is initiated. We are to be changing inwardly and externally. Most importantly, it should be evident to all who have seen you, known how you where, and watched you grow up under your old (sinful) family.

God’s word is the power that is when taken seriously, can and will alter your life! As one seeks to connect wholeheartedly to the teachings of Christ, the old things that we once did no longer have a place in the new family we’re a part of. We outgrow them; we change our actions, motives, direction, and start to inherit the characteristics of our brother and Father. As He is holy, we start to become holy in all we do because He shows us how to be holy and we want to please our Father.

So where is the praise of God in that? Its cool God wants me to be holy like him by living as his word teaches me but why should I praise him for that? Isn’t he supposed to want that anyways? He’s all loving right? Well on the surface it would appear that you have a point, but then as we look a little deeper, we find you don’t have a point at all! The reason we can, should, and will praise God for his desire to have us be holy is because WE DON’T DESERVE TO BE HOLY!!!!! None of us! God’s holiness isn’t because of our perfection; we’re not perfect! It isn’t because of how good of a person we are; we’re really not as good as we think we are. And it’s not because have done something special to move his heart; what can you or I give to the one who created everything, even us??? No, God’s holiness is extended to us because of his gape love for us! That is the only reason! Since God loves us so much, to a point our human minds can’t even conceive, is the only reason that we have an opportunity to be holy, as we live by Christ’s example and by the word of God. You did nothing to deserve his love, but he gave it to us and then he has the nerve to make us holy on top of that! I think it’s time to get the praise party started.


Today as we look at our ability to be holy as God is holy, we have to take a step back and consider how we are so fortunate to have that opportunity; remembering the truth of the matter, that we could do nothing to deserve it and probably aren’t doing anything now to still have it. However, we can praise God that he hasn’t changed his mind in desiring that we be holy like him and making a way for us to reach that goal through his Son. We have examined some areas this week that should help us be able to give God praise effortlessly. We pray that you have been impacted to praise him daily for all of those reasons and more. If your desire is now to make an effort to give God his due praise in a house of God that is all about his honor – not just in church but in our lives, in our homes, in our jobs, with our friends, and amongst strangers alike, we encourage you to come and visit DaySpring Christian Center. We pray God’s word compels you to see what he is doing in the life of his people and how real change starts with a real desire to seek God. Without understanding and experiencing that truth, your praise could lack the genuine substance that powers you to continue praising Him every day! Our prayer is that you lack nothing in Christ and we want to help you be filled, be holy, and be changed forever by the power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We look forward to connecting with you and hope to see you soon. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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