1 John 5:12

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration: 1 John 5:12 – Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

In John’s elder years, he is seemingly more blunt and direct with his passion. He cuts through the chase and gives us all a reality check and based on that, we have a decision to make.

I won’t bore you with fluff nor give you some elaborate story to showcase the parallel that this passage has towards your life. I want to be as firm and direct in my passion as the author is with his. We have a choice to make. This is not a game.

The simplicity of scripture is very troubling for those who ignore the plea of choosing to side with the son. Jesus came into this world to restore the broken relationship between man and God. This reconciliation produced life; that includes life now on earth and life eternally in heaven. There are various and obvious signs that display whether or not you’re experiencing life as God would have you or a life that is cursed. Now you may be thinking that cursed is a harsh word (and in some cases it is) however, I mean it in its literal dictionary definition of damned. If you believe that there is a heaven, why wouldn’t you believe in a hell?

Many people like to say “we’re living in hell now” or “your life is hell while on earth”. I want you to know that these clichés are completely inaccurate…….somewhat. There is a hell and it is not happening right now, you can believe that! Now, what I will say is that you can live a life that is so hard that it feels like you’re in a living hell – however, that’s totally up to you and worst part is, at most times, it’s by your own doing.

We all know that when we do the opposite of anything that is good and in accordance with living under God’s principles, there is a common result of something bad that can potentially or will happen (simple cause and effect). There is a punishment that will catch up with you. You live in fear, uneasy about the decisions that you’ve made and consequently feel the burden of guilt on your shoulders because sin has won again. The disappointment follows you throughout your life and it plagues you and the ending result is feeling damned and separated from any hope.

Well the good news is that in Jesus, there is hope; not only for the future, but for RIGHT NOW TOO!!!! When you choose Jesus, you are giving yourself the chance to be released from your dead, damned, hopeless like situations. There is LIFE! You move in confidence because your actions are not contradictory to the spirit inside you and it feels good!

You can experience the benefits of Christ and living as he has commanded or you can take on the challenges of this world with your own knowledge. One way will lead to life, the other will not. It is not a matter of maybe; there is no gray area family. If you’re like me, you want to see what this life is all about and how it can be. Give the Son of God a chance and see if he doesn’t restore to you all that this life can be and more.

We pray that you come to make solid and definitive decisions today about your relationship with God. John made it plain for us all. Do you believe and if so, what are you going to do about it? Choose life today! Choose Jesus Christ! We pray all of these things in Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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