1 John 4:15

DaySpring Daily Word of Inspiration:  1 John 4:15 – If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God.

Over this week we’ve looked at who God is – that is what his nature is, what that means for those of us who mature in faith in him and keep his commands, and why it all comes together in Christ. Today we put a stamp on Christ’s significance as we look to merge our lives with truth, purpose, and pleasing God in carrying out his will.

This process has shown us that we have a duty. God has promises for us to inherit but we have a task in being able to see these things come to pass. The building of our faith, keeping of the commandments, and grace given to us in Jesus Christ, helps us begin to understand the cross and what our reaction to that should produce. God’s love for us was played out on the cross in obedience. Jesus Christ is the true example of how we are to be. He purposed us with a lifestyle that was pleasing unto God’s will. He was the reflection of the Father and as the Father would do, he did. Everything that God was, Christ was in the flesh. God’s very own sacrifice for mankind – who he was in; made him proud, for he did the will of the Father.

Our adhering to the principles, teachings, and lifestyle calling of Jesus Christ is our acknowledgment that God was in the Son, God was the Son and God took on the punishment as the Son that none of us could have ever took. Our belief in Jesus unlocks the power that God purposed through the shedding of Jesus’ blood to cleanse us of our sins. In turn we immediately receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and the pieces of our spiritual puzzle are made complete; the triune God being represented once again in US!

How do we build the faith, discerning of his word, ability to pray, servant heart, love, and endurance to follow his commands? By having God in us through our acknowledging that Jesus Christ is the Son of God; it allows him to live in you – guiding you and maturing you as a new creation (like a newborn baby) in the way you should go, how you should live, why you should reference him, and discerning his word as true and good for your lives. The simple fact is that we can’t achieve the lives that God wants us to live without our faith being in Christ as the Lamb of God. In and of our own power, we can’t muster the wherewithal to do God’s will without his presence or instructions. We don’t have the capacity to do it consistently because of our sinful nature – which will always win if God’s word, his people or his Spirit aren’t around convicting us when we’re about to do something against his word and will.

John 15:5 tells us that we can do nothing if we’re not connected to the vine. Jesus is the vine, we are the branches. Jesus is connected to the roots which is God (our foundation).  In the same way, how do you expect to believe that God is love if you won’t accept his love offering (Jesus Christ) as connecting you to his love? Our acknowledging Jesus actives God’s power to show the world that he is in us and because of our actions, commitment, obedience and faith in what we believe (Jesus Christ), we are in him!


Have you acknowledged the Son of God yet? Do you think you’re in him or in his will? A quick indicator that can tell you is whether or not you’re doing what Jesus did, taught, and submitted to. Jesus submitted to the Father and as the Father was in him, he was in the Father. Who are you in and more importantly, who is in YOU? I’ll just say your life will completely show who’s in you as you acknowledge or submit to that power in your life. Today we pray that you are submitting to only power – Jesus Christ and as you’re in him in obedience, God will fill and be in you. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

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