
Honesty seems like the best policy, except when evaluating self. For when it comes to self, something in us will not allow us to judge, critique ourselves fairly. We are tempted to grade ourselves on a curve. The balancing scale of judgment always weighs more heavily on the “good” side of us. Somehow we rationalize that our good works always outweigh the bad that we do.  Besides, in comparison to others who are murders, adulterers, thieves, our little sins aren’t even worthy of mentioning.  However, when we begin to compare ourselves to the perfection, holiness and goodness of God, we realize like the Prophet Isaiah and Apostle Paul, what wretched people we are.  It’s only when we make God the bull’s-eye, we can truly see how much we miss the mark. Read more…


The Good Fight

The Good Fight


Did you know we have God’s permission to fight? In fact, we are commanded to do so.  But before you go and punch your neighbor, boss or even friend and say “God told me to fight you” and start quoting Scriptures…let me add some clarity.  The fight I speak of does require us to fight something physically, but Ephesians 6:12 tells us the battle is spiritual.

I know you are thinking it’s impossible to fight a spiritual battle with anything physical, and that I contradicted myself.  But, notice I said we are required to fight something physically, not that we fight the spiritual battle physically.  The something that I’m referring to is comprised of many things. Things that  prevent us from being victorious in our spiritual battle. Things that put dents and holes in our armor, which causes us to be easy targets, easily wounded, and ultimately defeated by the enemy.   Read more…


Pursuit of Godliness

Chasing the things of this world is exhausting. For no matter how much we strive to do what the world tells us to do; make money, get a high-paying job, get married, buy a house, buy this kind of car, wear this name brand clothing… and my favorite (I’m being sarcastic), live it up because “YOLO” (You Only Live Once).  Yet, the world fails to mention, that chasing stuff really is an endless pursuit that produces emptiness and discontentment.

Sadly many of us Christians have bought the lie that the world has told us, that the more stuff we have the happier we will be because our value comes from stuff. However, the Word of God gives Christians a completely opposing perspective on how to obtain true contentment, happiness and value.  Read more…


Godly Wisdom



Why does it seem like we always want everything EXCEPT what God has for us and wants to give us? We devote our prayers to asking God for stuff; money, a job, a car, a house, a spouse. Yet, we fail to ask God for the one thing He said He will generously give us, WISDOM (James 1:5).  Most likely because we don’t see how wisdom can benefit us, at least in an immediate, tangible way.  But this is far from the truth. Not only can wisdom benefit us in the present, but also in the future. For how many times have we made a decision that we suffered the consequences for immediately, and suffered years later.  Or how many times have we made a wise decision that we reap the benefits from years later, like saved money that helped pay for an unexpected emergency.  Read more…


Spiritual Growth Journey

Many of us want to obtain “spiritual growth”, but have no clue on how to achieve it. We know that we need to get closer to the Lord. We know that we need to make God a priority. BUT HOW? For some, we read the Word, we pray, we go to church, but still we often feel that our relationship with God is not where it should be. And yet for others, we know 100% that we are not doing what we should when it comes to making God first. Read more…